覺得很棒 跟大家分享一下
Have Faith In Your Path
You may not know where it leads, 這條路不知道會通往哪裡
you may not see the end, 你還看不見它的盡頭
you may be afraid to take the first step 所以你害怕邁出這第一步
but sometimes you have to simply take it. 但是有時候 往前走就對了
Each and every person has a path, 每個人都有屬於自己的一條路
some will know the way they want to go, 有些人知道該往哪走
some will not 有些人還不清楚
but within your heart you will know when its right.
只要跟著你的心走 當你走到的時候 你自然就會明白
The only thing you should be more afraid of
when setting out on your life's journey
is not setting out at all.
**我的中文好爛..最後一段怕翻錯 大家意會吧=)